Patient Spotlight: David G.

In an instant, David’s life as he knew it was transformed. After a traumatic hand injury (so severe that amputation was a possibility), he was forced to use his non-dominant hand for all activities and required assistance where he was once independent. Life would never be the same, but after walking through our doors, David was no longer alone.

David came to us in December 2012 after getting his hand caught in a saw at work. He underwent surgery at LSU to repair all the tendons, nerves, and bone. Only one digital nerve was spared. His hand was three times its normal size. Initially wound care was required as numerous areas were open. He had some extensor involvement with the thumb as well as the bone split longitudinally so this further complicated his case. David had no use of his injured hand for any activities and future functional use of his hand was questionable. He has been attending therapy 3 times weekly. Wound care and scar management were immediate as well as splinting to provide protection as well as maximize functional potential. After surgery, many decisions had to be made as how to protect his repairs while maximizing his movement ability. His hand was so severely injured, that even with 20 years of experience and collaboration with the hand surgeon, decisions regarding the best treatment had to be made daily.

As therapy has progressed we have increased the treatment regimen to include an extensive home program, strengthening, coordination, normalization of movement patterns, sensory reeducation, etc. Much focus has been placed on his thumb as the web space was scarred and he could not open it. This along with his finger injuries prevented him from grasping anything. It was a very happy day at MMPT when it was safe to bend his fingers and they worked!

We have been strengthening and progressing ever since. Five months later, David is now able to grasp a cup and drink from it. He can make a fist, throw a ball, pick up a coin, and he is completely independent at home.

With much prayer and hard work….miracles happen! We feel so fortunate to walk alongside David on this journey and we look forward to continuing to celebrate his victories. (Kick butt and take names, per Amy).


West Monroe





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