Fine Motor Skills
Here you will find games and activities developed to improve coordination and small muscle movement for infants to adolescents.
Fruit Loop Tower:
You will need:
- A ball of Playdough, clay or putty
- Spaghetti or small sticks (we used the sticks out of our KerPlunk game)
- A plate
- Fruit Loops
Place the sticks in the ball of dough and have the child place the Fruit Loops onto the sticks to build towers.

Spoon Marble Pick-Up:
You will need:
- A shallow box or bowl filled with rice or sand
- Marbles
- A spoon
- A small cup or bowl
The child will use the spoon to extract the marbles from the box and place them in the cup. This is a great way to work on fine motor skills and practice using utensils. This activity should be supervised to ensure that the marbles do not become a choking hazard.
Try these activities as well:
- Exercises to help develop Scissor Skills
- Coins in a Water Jar
- Homemade Toy: Pushing Puff Balls
- Lacing with Pipe Cleaners
- Color Sorting and M&M Painting
- Easy Dot to Dot Printables
- Golf Tee and Marble Balancing
- Exercises to help develop Scissor Skills
- Spaghetti Tower
- Coins in a Water Jar (Scroll down to the bottom for the preschool version.)
- Fun with Fly Swatters
- Fine Motor Skill Activities to Develop Handwriting Skills
- Octopus Cheerio Project
- Lacing with Pipe Cleaner
- Straw Fine Motor Exercise
- Sponges and Clothespins
- Stamp and Cut Fine Motor and Color Recognition Activity

Domino Letters:
Standing up dominoes is a great way to hone fine motor skills. Forming letters makes it fun for the child and also helps with literacy skills. The best part, of course, is knocking it down!

Also, try out these ideas:
- Combine fine motor control with spelling: Bug Word Clips
- Easy Dot to Dot Printables
- Adapting Tools & Toys to Improve Fine Motor Skills
- Clothespin Card Games

Marble Balancing:
You will need:
- Foam block
- Golf tees
- Marbles
For older kids, have them hold a handful of the marbles and deposit them one by one onto the golf tees. For smaller children, put the foam block into a bowl to hold the marbles and to catch any that might fall.

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